Caddo Levee District








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At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Caddo Levee District held at 10:00 a.m., June 13, 2024, at 1320 Grimmett Drive, Shreveport, Louisiana, the following members were present: Kandi Moore, James T. Sims, Carolyn C. Prator, Jackie Baker, Willie Walker, and Gary Procell. Patrick Harrison was unable to attend.


Ronald F. Lattier, Law Offices of Ronald F. Lattier; Marshall Jones, J. Marshall Jones Jr., (APLC) a Professional Law Corporation; Joshua Monroe, E.I., LA Department of Transportation; Patrick Furlong, P.E., Executive Director; and Penny Adams, Assistant Executive Director were also present.


The meeting was opened with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.


1st Vice President, Mrs. Moore stated that the minutes from the May 9, 2024, meeting had been emailed for review and asked for a motion to approve. Mr. Sims made a motion, with a second by Mr. Walker, to approve the minutes from the May 9, 2024 meeting. The motion unanimously passed.


Mr. Furlong discussed the monthly financial reports and stated the balance sheet report and profit/loss report were standard with revenue being strong and expenses being typically low.


The Board reviewed payments and invoices for the month of May 2024 and subsequent bills for the month of April 2024. Mr. Procell made a motion, with a second by Mr. Sims, to ratify payment of the invoices for the month of April 2024 and subsequent bills for the month of March 2024. The motion unanimously passed.


The Board discussed and unanimously approved a motion by Mr. Procell and a second by Mr. Sims on the renewal of Certificate of Deposits that have matured and were held by Home Federal Bank for a funds transfer into a 24 - month term with Cross Keys Bank Certificate of Deposit unless the same conditions can be matched.


The Board discussed and unanimously approved a motion by Mr. Procell and a second by Mr. Sims on the renewal of Certificate of Deposits that will mature this month and were held by Red River Bank, Cross Keys Bank, and Cadence Bank, for a funds transfer into a 36 - month term with Home Federal Bank Certificate of Deposit unless the same conditions can be matched.


The Board considered the renewal of the contract for professional/legal services with Ronald F. Lattier. The Board unanimously approved the following resolution to approve the professional legal services contract for Mr. Ronald F. Lattier of The Law Offices of Ronald F. Lattier for July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025, with a motion by Mr. Sims and a second by Mr. Walker:


WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Caddo Levee District is presently engaged in extensive and continuing operations in conjunction with various State, Parish, City and Federal Agencies relating to drainage and flood control programs in Caddo Parish, Louisiana; and,


WHEREAS, the Caddo Levee District is financially involved in numerous legal matters arising out of these operations and required legal advice and assistance during regular and special meetings and at various other times regarding these matters; and,


WHEREAS, abstracts of title to lands either belonging to the Caddo Levee District or involved in its projects, from time-to-time need examining; and,


WHEREAS, it is anticipated that said Board will be occasionally involved in lawsuits and the resolution of these suits require special legal counsel; and,


WHEREAS, the District Attorney of Caddo Parish, the Board's legally designated counsel, is involved in extensive prosecution of criminal matters in Caddo Parish, and does not have a sufficiently large staff to adequately handle the legal affairs of the Board; and,


WHEREAS, by the Board of Commissioners of the Caddo Levee District that in view of the real and urgent necessity of present and future special legal counsel, that The Law Offices of Ronald F. Lattier be retained as Special Counsel for one year beginning July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2025, at a stipulated fee in accordance with professional service contract submitted herewith, subject, however, to the approval of the proper officials of the State of Louisiana at a rate as follows:

   1) $175.00 per hour for attorneys having experience of ten years or more in the practice of law.

   2) $150.00 per hour for attorneys having experience of five to ten years in the practice of law.

   3) $125.00 per hour for attorneys having experience of three to five years in the practice of law.

   4) $100.00 per hour for attorneys having experience of less than three years in the practice of law.

   5)   $45.00 per hour for paralegal services.

   The total of all sums payable under this contract including fees and reimbursement of expenses shall not exceed $42,000.00 and shall be billed in accordance with Policy and Procedure Memo 50 (Attorney Case Handling Guidelines and Billing Procedures).                 


WHEREAS in the event of claims brought in federal court seeking equitable relief, these claims may implicate the interests of the State of Louisiana, and so the Board agrees to provide advance written notice to the Louisiana Attorney General ten (10) business days before the next meeting and an opportunity for the Attorney General to express concerns directly to the Board in writing or in executive session before the Board:

(1)         proposes a settlement, accepts a proposed settlement, agrees to a consent decree, or enters any other agreement with any party in any federal action for declaratory or injunctive relief that is going to be or has been filed; or

(2)         files any document in any federal case in which (a) declaratory or injunctive relief has been granted against the Board, (b) final judgement dismissing the case has not been entered, and (c) at least 3 years have passed since any party seeking relief, including the USDOJ in an amicus capacity, filed any document in the case.


 Accordingly, the Board authorizes and directs the law firm to provide the required notice to the Attorney General, release such information and documentation as the Attorney General may request in response to the notice, and generally cooperate with the Attorney General in regard to the notice.


THEREFORE   BE        IT          RESOLVED      that       the        Board of Commissioners of the Caddo Levee District, pursuant to La. R.S. 42:262, does hereby retain and employ The Law Offices of Ronald F. Lattier as special counsel; and a


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution and proposed contract described herein be submitted to the Attorney General for the State of Louisiana for approval.

             The resolution having been submitted to a vote; the vote thereon was as follows:


             YEAS:                            6                                     ABSENT:                       1

             NAYS:                            0                                     NOT VOTING:              0


             The Board considered the renewal of the contract for professional/legal services with J. Marshall Jones, Jr. The Board unanimously approved the following resolution to approve the professional legal services contract for J. Marshall Jones, Jr. of J. Marshall Jones JR., (APLC) a Professional Law Corporation for July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025, with a motion by Mr. Sims and a second by Mr. Walker:

             WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Caddo Levee District is presently engaged in extensive and continuing operations in conjunction with various State, Parish, City and Federal Agencies relating to drainage and flood control programs in Caddo Parish, Louisiana; and,


             WHEREAS, the Caddo Levee District is financially involved in numerous legal matters arising out of these operations and required legal advice and assistance during regular and special meetings and at various other times regarding these matters; and,


             WHEREAS, abstracts of title to lands either belonging to the Caddo Levee District or involved in its projects, from time-to-time need examining; and,


             WHEREAS, it is anticipated that said Board will be occasionally involved in lawsuits and the resolution of these suits require special legal counsel; and,


             WHEREAS, the District Attorney of Caddo Parish, the Board's legally designated counsel, is involved in extensive prosecution of criminal matters in Caddo Parish, and does not have a sufficiently large staff to adequately handle the legal affairs of the Board; and,


             WHEREAS, by the Board of Commissioners of the Caddo Levee District that in view of the real and urgent necessity of present and future special legal counsel, that J. Marshall Jones JR., (APLC) a Professional Law Corporation be retained as Special Counsel for one year beginning July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2025, at a stipulated fee in accordance with professional service contract submitted herewith, subject, however, to the approval of the proper officials of the State of Louisiana at a rate as follows:

   1) $175.00 per hour for attorneys having experience of ten years or more in the practice of law.

   2) $150.00 per hour for attorneys having experience of five to ten years in the practice of law.

   3) $125.00 per hour for attorneys having experience of three to five years in the practice of law.

   4) $100.00 per hour for attorneys having experience of less than three years in the practice of law.

   5)   $45.00 per hour for paralegal services.

   The total of all sums payable under this contract including fees and reimbursement of expenses shall not exceed $32,000.00 and shall be billed in accordance with Policy and Procedure Memo 50 (Attorney Case Handling Guidelines and Billing Procedures).                       


             WHEREAS in the event of claims brought in federal court seeking equitable relief, these claims may implicate the interests of the State of Louisiana, and so the Board agrees to provide advance written notice to the Louisiana Attorney General ten (10) business days before the next meeting and an opportunity for the Attorney General to express concerns directly to the Board in writing or in executive session before the Board:

(1)         proposes a settlement, accepts a proposed settlement, agrees to a consent decree, or enters any other agreement with any party in any federal action for declaratory or injunctive relief that is going to be or has been filed; or

(2)         files any document in any federal case in which (a) declaratory or injunctive relief has been granted against the Board, (b) final judgement dismissing the case has not been entered, and (c) at least 3 years have passed since any party seeking relief, including the USDOJ in an amicus capacity, filed any document in the case.


 Accordingly, the Board authorizes and directs the law firm to provide the required notice to the Attorney General, release such information and documentation as the Attorney General may request in response to the notice, and generally cooperate with the Attorney General in regard to the notice.


             THEREFORE   BE        IT          RESOLVED      that       the        Board of Commissioners of the Caddo Levee District, pursuant to La. R.S. 42:262, does hereby retain and employ J. Marshall Jones JR., (APLC) a Professional Law Corporation as special counsel; and a


             BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution and proposed contract described herein be submitted to the Attorney General for the State of Louisiana for approval.

The resolution having been submitted to a vote; the vote thereon was as follows:


             YEAS:                            6                                     ABSENT:                       1

             NAYS:                            0                                     NOT VOTING:              0


             The Board discussed the Official Journal and Mr. Lattier, Board Attorney, explained that the District’s Official Journal must be physically located for at least (5) five years in the parish it serves. The Board unanimously approved a motion by Mr. Procell with a second by Mr. Walker to retain The Times in Shreveport as the District’s Official Journal as legally required for advertising and publishing.


             The Board unanimously approved the transfer of Campsite Permit from Stella McDonald to Dale H. Putman for approximately (1) one acre known as Lot# 151 located on Black Bayou in Section 9, T22N, R15W, Caddo Parish, Louisiana with a motion by Mrs. Prator and a second by Mr. Walker.


             The Board discussed the bid opening on June 20, 2024 for Black Bayou Levee Slide Repairs and unanimously approved a motion by Mr. Walker and a second by Mr. Sims to allow Mr. Furlong to award the bid to the lowest responsive bidder or to reject all bids.


             There was no President Report.


             Mr. Furlong reported on flood mitigation management by utilizing floodgates and the pump station. Mr. Furlong plans to draft a (5) five-year plan for long-term and capital improvement projects. Mr. Furlong reported the State of Louisiana Civil Service has approved 3%-4% to increase employee pay as a market adjustment effective July 15, 2024. Mr. Furlong informed the Board about past and future meetings in which his attendance requires after-hours travel being in and out of the state. Mr. Furlong met with Vivian Mayor, Ronnie Festavan, regarding the need for more parking at Robert Nance Park. Mr. Furlong reported the citizens’ concerns regarding erosion on Christus Highland Medical Center property. Mr. Furlong is obtaining proposals for insurance renewal next month. The office building repairs will be finished soon with landscaping and sign replacement will be next. Mr. Furlong plans to draft staff policy to address recent servitude and other issues for consistency.


Ronald Lattier, Board Legal Counsel expressed his gratitude to the Board for renewing his legal contract and reported that the Caddo Levee District had no pending legal issues.


Marshall Jones, Board Oil & Gas Legal Counsel, also expressed his gratitude to the Board for renewing his legal contract and gave a market assessment with income expected to increase from natural gas. Mr. Jones reported the need to hold oil and gas permittees to their lease obligations and plans to update the language in consent to assign agreements for review to protect Caddo Levee District assets. Mr. Jones plans to work with Mr. Lattier on similar upcoming legal issues.


Joshua Monroe, E.I., with DOTD, gave his Engineering Report, and stated that a few permits were currently under his review to be completed soon.


Mr. Furlong reported that the rain had made it difficult to mow but the field crews had cut the north part of the parish and would be working towards the south.


There was no Personnel Committee Report.


There was no Legal Committee Report.


There was no Equipment Committee Report.


There was no Recreational Committee Report.


With no further business to be brought before the Board, Mr. Sims made a motion to adjourn, with a second by Mr. Walker. The motion unanimously passed, and the meeting was adjourned.



President                                                                                                                  Executive Director

Minutes - June





Regular Business Hours : Monday thru Friday 7:30 am to 4:00 pm