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At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Caddo Levee District held at 10:00 a.m., March 9, 2023, at 1320 Grimmett Drive, Shreveport, Louisiana, the following were present: Patrick Harrison, James T. Sims, Jackie Baker, Gary Procell, and Willie Walker. Kandi Moore and Carolyn C. Prator were unable to attend.
Ronald F. Lattier, Law Offices of Ronald F. Lattier; Marshall Jones, Jones & Odom, LLP; Robert Tomasek P.E., LA Department of Transportation and Development; John Barr, Regional Director, Senator John Kennedy’s Office; Ali M. Mustapha P.E., Executive Director; Penny Adams, Assistant Executive Director; and Sam Brimer, Forester, were also present.
The meeting was opened with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.
President Harrison asked for any comments from the public regarding agenda items or other issues. There were no public comments.
President Harrison stated that the minutes from the February 9, 2023, meeting had been emailed for review and asked for a motion to approve. Mr. Sims made a motion, with a second by Mr. Walker, to approve the minutes from the February 2023 meeting. The motion unanimously passed.
Mr. Harrison reported that the expense for the month of February is consistent with the normal operating expenses for the winter months and the major expenditures were for payments to contractors for major levee repairs and culverts’ repairs and rehabilitations. Revenues are similar to the last 2-3 months’ revenues generated from oil & gas income and higher CD’s return rates.
The Board reviewed payments and invoices for the month of February 2023 and subsequent bills for the month of January 2023. Mr. Sims made a motion, with a second by Mr. Walker, to ratify payment of the invoices for the month of February 2023 and subsequent bills for the month of January 2023. The motion unanimously passed.
The Board unanimously approved the payment of the 2023 annual membership dues for the National Waterways Conference in the amount of $1,525.00 with a motion by Mr. Procell and a second by Mr. Walker.
The Board unanimously approved amending the meeting agenda by adding item number 7-a, approval of the payment of 2023 annual membership dues for the Mississippi Valley Flood Control Association in the amount of $1,030.00, with a motion by Mr. Sims and a second by Mr. Walker. The Board unanimously approved the payment of 2023 annual membership dues for the Mississippi Valley Flood Control Association in the amount of $1,030.00 with a motion by Mr. Procell and a second by Mr. Sims.
The Board unanimously approved the Campsite Permit Request from Joel E. Platt for approximately one (1) acre known as Lot# 140 located on Rock Road on Black Bayou in Section 9, T22N, R15W, Caddo Parish, Louisiana with a motion by Mr. Sims and a second by Mr. Baker.
There was no President Report.
Mr. Mustapha reported that the Design Engineer, CSRS, for the New West Agurs Pump Station Project has completed the re-design of the project and has submitted the plans, specifications and bid documents last week. The documents have been reviewed and are complete. The project will be advertised for bids during March with the anticipated bid opening at 10:00 A.M. at the Board’s meeting on April 13, 2023.
Mr. Mustapha reported that the USACE will no longer perform annual inspection of the federally approved levee systems instead they will be conducting Periodic Inspection “PI inspection” every five (5) years. In June 2022, the Red River Levee-Caddo South and Caddo North segments were inspected and early this week we received the inspection reports for both segments. Review of the reports indicates that the levees are well maintained and in compliance with the risk criteria. Most of the comments were regarding existing encroachments (old trees, oil wells, structures…). During January and February, the USACE completed PI inspections of the other Caddo Levee Segments, Cherokee Park, Twelve Mile Bayou, West Agurs and Black Bayou-Pine Island Levees. Also, this year they performed inspection of the all the flood control culverts penetrating the levee systems, the flood control structures, flood gates, Sluice gates and West Agurs Pump Station. The inspection reports will be delivered to the Levee District by the end of 2023.
Mr. Mustapha also reported that Twelve Mile Bayou and the Red River flood elevations in Shreveport reached action stage on February 13 from heavy rainfall in the watershed of both in Northeast Texas, Arkansas, and Oklahoma. This resulted in high water elevations that required closing the Flood Gate at West Agurs Pump Station and running the pumps during localized rain fall to provide flood protection for the Agurs area watershed basin.
Mr. Mustapha reported that he has prepared the draft 2023-2024 Budget and emailed it to the Finance Committee/Executive Committee for review and comments and once he receives comments and recommendation from the Committee, he will forward the completed proposed Budget to the Board members for review prior to the April 13, 2023, Board Meeting. He plans to present the proposed budget to the Board at the April 13 Meeting for approval and adoption.
There was no Legal Counsel Report.
Marshall Jones reported that the crude oil and gas commodity prices have continued to fluctuate due to the impact of the instability of the global markets and this trend may continue in 2023.
Sam Brimer reported that the crews are working on servicing the equipment in preparation for the mowing of the levees and spaying areas as needed to control the growth of weeds.
Robert Tomesak, P.E., DOTD reported that the Department of Transportation and Development and the Design Engineer, Freeze and Nichols, for the Black Bayou Dam and Spillway project held a project kickoff scoping meeting on February 16 in the town of Vivian with the stakeholders.
There was no Personnel Committee Report.
There was no Legal Committee Report.
There was no Recreation Committee Report.
There was no Equipment Committee Report.
With no further business to be brought before the Board, Mr. Sims made a motion to adjourn, with a second by Mr. Walker. The motion unanimously passed, and the meeting was adjourned.
President Executive Director |
Regular Business Hours : Monday thru Friday 7:30 am to 4:00 pm |